This year, she is in second grade at an amazing school, where she has awesome teachers. She had great teachers last year too, but the combination of brain health, low med doses, happy and stable home, and the perfect school situation for her has caused her to shoot beyond anything I ever expected! She reads a new book every day, has about 50 sight words, is taking spelling tests, knows her calendar, can tell time, do basic math, write all letters and numbers on her own, sound out words...
And she is the funniest, silliest, happiest little goof-ball. Always singing and dancing and wiggling. She makes everyone fall in love with her. Earlier this week I took her to a clinic for a strep test, and when the doctor lifted her shirt to listen to her heart, she said, "Do you see the fish in my bellay buttawn?" He told her she could come back and visit him anytime...
Mommy made purple frosted butterfly cookies for Melanie to bring to school today, so her friends and teachers got to celebrate with her. Thanks for rejoicing with us! All glory to God!!
We loved reading your paper sent home with Colton today from class! We are rejoicing with you that Melanie has been seizure free for one year. Thank you for sending the paper and explaining her syndrome, we didn't even know about it. From the little bit I see of Melanie when I get to volunteer in class it's easy to see how joy filled she is. Praise God!