Saturday, August 10, 2013

Please watch this and pass it on

This is the documentary called WEED, by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, which aired Sunday night, August 11 on CNN. Please excuse the angry title attached to this YouTube video, but it is the full 42-minute show.
Dr. Gupta highlights one of the pioneering families for using cannabis (medical marijuana) to treat Dravet: the Figis. The beloved Stanley brothers in CO have developed a strain named after the daughter, called Charlotte's Web. It's extremely low in THC (psychoactive) and very high in CBD (medicinal), and every family wants it! Including us! Please watch with an open mind. I believe Dr. Gupta did a great job covering this controversial subject in a fair way. And remember that Charlotte's story could easily be Melanie's, as they do have the same syndrome.

And here is a good article outlining this doctor's change of heart on medical marijuana and his research-based reasoning:
Please check it out, and pass it on, and contact your representatives. The pharmaceuticals are harming Melanie and won't work forever. We need this to become a compassionate state, legalizing medical marijuana. I don't care one bit about recreational use: I just want this completely natural, effective and safe medicine for my daughter. She would not get high, and she would take it as a tincture or a pill. This plant is not merely used to ease pain, as I used to think: it literally cures most seizures in many, many patients (not to mention cancer and a host of other diseases). Cannabis has been used as a highly effective medicine throughout history, and there are no side effects (when using a low-THC strain).

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